Caravan FAQs

Do Caravans Have Hot Water?

Do Caravans Have Hot Water?

An even better question would be: “What is the best hot water system out there for caravans?”

That’s right, you can forget your vision of boiling the kettle for hot water and mixing it with cold for the right temperature.

Caravans do have hot water, and it will be standard with all modern caravans. Failing that it’s an easy retro-fit to make your life easier.

Fortunately, you have the luxury to choose the kind of hot water system you want to get for your caravan.

If you are one of those people who likes to stay ahead of the times, you might want to invest in a pricier system for now, but one which will eventually pay you back if you ever decide to sell your caravan. Even if you don’t end up selling your caravan, it is always good to futureproof your purchase. Right?

If I were to invest in a caravan, to only then find out that I cannot enjoy the comfort of a warm shower, or the ease of even doing dishes and laundry with bearable temperature water in the colder months – I WOULD GO NUTS.

I would most definitely call off the deal based on no hot water availability alone.

Hot water is paramount to life. and just the thought of a hot water shower while we would be driving up somewhere, it’s a novel idea, an exciting one, and I want that excitement. As would most people, I am sure.

So, keep on reading and find out what kind of hot water system would suit your need.

What Are The Different Types Of Hot Water Systems For Caravans?

What Are The Different Types Of Hot Water Systems For Caravans?

Typically, there are three options to choose from when considering the kind of hot water system you want for your caravan. There are systems that run on gas, electricity, or, our personal favourite – gas and electricity systems.

Below we have listed a few benefits and drawbacks of each of the above mentioned three hot water systems.

But first:

What Are Hot Water Systems That Run On Gas?

As the name indicates, this is a hot water system that uses gas to heat your water. You need gas cylinders. It is the most ideal system for camping outside sites, outback travel, and for those on the road a lot more often.

What Are The Pros Of Gas Water Heating Systems?

• Run on gas, not electricity, so no worries about power outages.
• Off-road travels and camping can become a breeze.
• No need to invest in solar panels or batteries for charging purposes.
• Water is heated very quickly.

What Are The Cons Of Gas Water Heating Systems?

• Could cause condensation (not an ideal situation for a caravan).
• Need a constant supply of water.
• Availability of hot water gas service is a necessity to maintain this system.

Moving on:

What Are Hot Water Systems That Run On Electricity?

An electric powered hot water system is just that – a hot water system that uses electricity to heat water. It is instantaneous in heating the water that passes through the tap. This is the most ideal system for those who are looking to add leisure batteries and solar panels.

What Are The Pros Of An Electric Powered Hot Water System?

• So much more convenient than gas powered water heating systems.
• Less or no water is wasted because water is only heated when required.
• So long as you have electricity, you will have hot water from your tap.

What Are The Cons Of An Electric Powered Hot Water System?

• Constant supply of electricity or battery power is essential for this setup to work at all times.
• Extra solar panels or leisure batteries will do you well if you opt for this system, so the cost of this setup increases.
• Hot water might be only accessible during planned trips or while camping in powered caravan parks, not during outback travelling.
• You might have to turn on the system a while before you need to use hot water.

And, finally:

What Are Gas And Electric-Powered Hot Water Systems?
What Are Gas And Electric-Powered Hot Water Systems?

The most luxurious, the most versatile, the most futuristic, albeit pricey hot water system among the three aforementioned systems is one that runs by combining gas and electricity to provide you with hot water.

We say ‘futuristic’, because: If leisure batteries and solar panels are a bit out of your budget range at this point in time, but you love the fact that electric systems provide near instant water heating, it would be wise to invest in a gas and electric system. By doing so, you will still have access to warm water for all your uses, and if you so choose, sometime in the future, you may install solar panels or batteries and get the best of both worlds (erm, systems?).

What Are The Pros Of Gas And Electric Powered Hot Water Systems?

• Since you can always have a backup cylinder for the gas part of the system, you will essentially always have hot water available, regardless of the power or location of your caravan.
• You can use gas cylinders till you are ready to go all out and buy solar panels or batteries for the electric part.
• It will always remain compatible with cylinders or batteries if you ever run out of either.

What Are The Cons Of Gas And Electric Powered Hot Water Systems?

• At this point, the price is the only factor working against this system. It can be a bit pricier than gas-only or electric-only systems.


Caravans do have hot water, but you may wish to upgrade the system depending on your requirements.

We can only suggest you to take a deep, hard look at your budget, first and foremost. Have an open discussion with your friends and family members. Get to know your preferences. Talk to people who have had the different systems and find out things you would not be able to find out otherwise. There is no substitute for personal experience.

We hope you make the right choice for you and enjoy hot water whenever you need it.

Author: Darren

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