Caravan FAQs

Where To Store A Caravan

Where To Store A Caravan

Caravanning is becoming increasingly popular, and with the transition to smaller accommodation living or retirement villages, where storage options aren’t always easily available, finding a place to park your caravan is becoming more difficult.

When it comes to storing your caravan, there are various options available, but the most important factor to consider is which storage facility is the most convenient and secure for you.

Many folks who have driveway space will park their caravan there. After all, it simplifies the process of packing your vehicle and hitting the road. However, not everyone has room at their home for a caravan.

Following are some options of where to store a caravan:

Barn Storage For Caravans

It is one of the most popular ways to store a caravan because it is convenient for you, and especially if you have extra land, you can also accommodate your animals. In this way, you will have more space to park your caravan and farm animals can still concentrate on their activities.

You can also worry about finding a place to store your caravan because you can use the barn. In addition, if you have a farm that has a barn, you can store your caravan in the barn.

You may even be able to use the space beneath the barn floor. If it has never been filled with straw from the last harvest, it’s space.

You can save money on a farmer to store your caravan in this way. You will not have to pay rent or take care of the caravan, so it is a free storage option.

If you are storing your caravan intending to sell it, you can also use this as a sales point. This is not possible if your caravan is stored on the driveway.

Barn Storage For Caravans

Keep Your Caravan In A Shed

Of course you need a big shed, but storing a motorhome or caravan in a shed is the ideal solution, but this isn’t always doable. By storing your caravan in a shed, you can protect it from the elements and keep its exterior shine all year.

You’ll still have to clean and maintain it, but anything that’s kept inside and undercover is going to be less vulnerable to the elements.

Park A Caravan In A Carport

A carport or portal would be the next best storage option. You might not even need a building permit if it’s a “temporary” gateway that’s just pinned to the ground. The main benefit of these is that they protect the sun and rain off the caravan.

The problem with keeping your caravan in a carport is that you’ll need a lot of room on your property to create one. They can also add a lot of money to the “lifestyle.”

Keep Your Caravan In The Garage

You might wish to keep your touring car at home if you have a garage or a driveway. Keeping your car in the garage is the better alternative due to the increased security and protection. To see if garage storage is an option, you’ll need all of your measurements.

Storing your caravan on your driveway may appear to be the best option because there are no visible height issues, but you should check your local ordinances to see if there are any limits. If your vehicle is parked on a driveway, it is also harder to secure it.

Commercial Caravan Storage Sites

One option is to park the caravan in a professional storage facility if you don’t have enough space on your land to do so. Some are in open spaces, while others are housed in enormous commercial storage sheds, although storage costs will vary depending on the style of the yard and its location.

Long Term Caravan Site

Long Term Caravan Site

If you have a preferred camping spot that you frequent, you might want to think about keeping your caravan there or nearby. You won’t have to hire a motorhome or ‘de-camp’ each time you go on an expedition if you leave your RV on-site and travel to it in your car.

If you want to keep your touring car closer to your residence so you can go on a tour right from your front door, look for a nearby spot.

Some facilities offer year-round storage, but if you plan to tour for a significant portion of the year, you can book a pitch exclusively for you for a set amount of time. Choose a full season lasting approximately seven months or a part season lasting only spring or autumn, letting you free to travel throughout the summer.

The majority of seasonal spaces are grassy with power hookups.

Is It Necessary To Store A Caravan Level?

The corner should be lowered, and your caravan must be stored on a level site. Put chocks underneath the wheels if possible. Turn the wheels as much as able to prevent them from being in the same place for extended periods. Sliding the caravan back and forth or jacking it up to spin each tire can do this.

Can I Keep A Caravan Outside?

Caravans are made to be used outside, but they are not built to sit in one location for lengthy periods; indeed, anything that could fall from the sky could cause severe damage to the caravan. A few places provide covered storage, but they are few and far between.


If you are considering storing your caravan at home, make certain there is adequate space to secure the caravan. Take measurements of your garage before purchasing a cover, as some caravan covers require more space than others and will not secure to a garage door.

Ensure you can get your caravan inside and out of storage before sealing the deal. All the best and happy storing!

Author: Darren

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