Caravan FAQs

Will Caravan Damp Dry Out?

Will Caravan Damp Dry Out?

The dampness of the caravan interior is often a problem. But it can be quickly remedied with natural remedies.

Our advice is to secure a good pressure ventilator that is operable from inside and outside of the caravan to prevent moisture. An ideal location for the ventilator is on the roof but not above the cooking area. In this case, placing it somewhere along the sides or at one end is also suitable. Since they are usually rather expensive, we recommend you choose a ventilator that is operable from both inside and outside.

Since damp carpets are a common problem in caravans, several remedies are available to help get rid of them. To get rid of this unpleasantness, one must first remove all the furniture from the caravan to be able to inspect thoroughly underneath the floor coverings. Once the furniture has been removed, use a high-pressure cleaner to clean the walls and the floor thoroughly.

After cleaning, you must check if there is any dampness present and if there is, you need to purchase some absorbent materials and place them under the floor covering. These absorbent materials can be purchased from any camping equipment store or even in a well-equipped supermarket.

Once this has been done, you will need to purchase some carpet glue and, using an old paintbrush and a container, thoroughly coat the area where the carpets meet the floor with glue. Place a piece of absorbent material on top and place a heavy object such as a piece of furniture on top of this to allow the glue to dry thoroughly.

After approximately 24 hours, you can replace the furniture, but be sure to let it stand for at least 48 hours before removing the weight from the top. After this time, you can place a soft cloth on top of the carpets and rub vigorously to remove any excess glue.

We also recommend using two different cleaning products for your carpets, whether made from wool or synthetic material. A quick, effective way to clean them is to use a vacuum cleaner immediately after applying the cleaning product.

How to treat damp in caravan

Suppose the problem is a more serious one. In that case, you can try buying some carpet cleaning solution from a camping equipment store or even from a well-equipped supermarket and sprinkle this liberally onto the carpets before moistening them using a wet sponge. After allowing this to stand for approximately 15 minutes, use the vacuum cleaner again on all carpet areas to remove all resistance.

If the carpets are very badly damp, it is advisable that you allow them to stand for around 24 hours before continuing with the cleaning process as described above.

Many people now use their caravans year-round, which often results in a build-up of mould on walls, ceilings, windows and furniture. This can be easily prevented by using a dehumidifier in the caravan when it is not in use.

The dehumidifier will help dry any dampness out and protect against mould before bringing the moisture level down to a safe level. However, you should be aware that dehumidifiers can cause problems with your electrical system if they are not installed correctly.

When using a dehumidifier, it is essential to place it on a non-inflammable surface such as wood or some other insulating material and also not to place the dehumidifier above any electrical appliances such as ovens, storage heaters etc., as this may increase the risk of fire. It is also advisable not to place the dehumidifier near any windows or vents to not get cold.

You can tell if your caravan is damp-free by checking for condensation on the inside of the windows and top of doors and skirting boards, as well as black mould spots all over surfaces such as ceilings, walls and furniture. If the windows are covered in condensation, this indicates that there is too much humidity present.

When all of these symptoms are present, you should empty your cupboards and drawers before cleaning carefully with methylated spirits or white spirits, depending on what they are made from. Be sure to let them dry thoroughly before re-arranging your belongings.

We also recommend that you keep all your electrical appliances switched off when the caravan is not in use, especially electric heaters which can cause damage to carpets even if they are turned off. The best way to check for the dampness is to take a piece of damp cotton fabric and place it on top of surfaces such as doors, cupboards and skirting boards and wait until the fabric dries out – if it is still damp, this indicates that there is too much humidity.

Another option is to use a hygrometer which allows you to determine the amount of moisture in the air and therefore identify any sources of excess humidity.

In A Caravan, How Much Damp Is Acceptable?

In A Caravan, How Much Damp Is Acceptable?

A wet meter value of less than 15% is ideal. A value this low indicates that there is no moisture in the air. However, if the readings are more than 15%, even if only slightly, you should look into it further.

What Is The Best Way To Get Rid Of Moisture In My Caravan?

Open the windows, regularly bring fresh air into the caravan, and allow circulation by opening all the cabinets. Avoid heating the caravan because this may exacerbate the dampness. Check to see if any vents are blocked or obstructed.

Will A Caravan Cover Keep The Moisture At Bay?

Rain, grime, tree sap, UV fading, and even scrapes to the bodywork are all protected by a caravan cover. However, some argue that they can cause humidity and are difficult to install. In heavy rain, water-resistant covers may let water through.

Is It True That A Bowl Of Salt Might Assist With Dampness?

Placing a few salt bowls around the caravan will help to absorb moisture in the air and decrease dampness. Alternatively, place cushions in the caravan’s centre to allow air to flow and prevent mildew from forming on the windows and surfaces.


To get rid of dampness in your caravan, clean and vacuum your caravan’s whole inside regularly. Before locking up, wipe down all surfaces with an antibacterial or disinfection agent and double-check that everything is clean and dry. Don’t leave your caravan unattended for long periods.

Author: Darren

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